Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The influence of VDC/BIM Services in the Construction Sector

Construction Professionals working on complex structures understand the importance of coordination between trades viz. Architecture, Structure, MEP & FP. The complete process can take about 50% of the project value, and if performed correctly, can save massively on project budget and time.
The coordination process has taken over legacy building methods that include non-intelligent 2D manual drawings. With VDC services, architects can take owners on a precision tour of their unbuilt property on a software, via real-time walk-throughs. 

VDC Modeling makes sure all the trades and elements work together, and make sure what is built is accurate and meets client requirements. There are various benefits of VDC that can help architects and construction project managers construct a visual representation of your construction project even before you start breaking the ice.
Virtual Design and Construction Services make sure the 3D model is highly precise and effective across the entire life-span of the project. Owners and stakeholders can build tangible results at each step of the construction and post-construction process.
Few of the benefits of VDC / BIM Services include -
§       Decreased project costs
§       Time and Schedule Optimization
§        Enhanced team collaboration
§        Safer on-site work through project forecasting
§       Better project deliverables  

VDC does provide a significant impact on various areas of the building process.
§  Clear Visualization
§  Site Planning
§  4D Scheduling
§  5D Cost Estimation
§  Clash Detection
§  Pre-fabrication and Fabrication
§  Constructability reviews
§  FM services

Projects built with VDC / BIM services can win more project bids
The true sense of VDC Services can be seen in the bidding process. The bidding process is one of the most complex and competitive processes for firms to win projects. There are various stakeholders that are involved in the whole process – bid reviews by client, proposals from various engineering trades, general contractors, material suppliers and more.
With the adoption of VDC, architects and engineers can create a detailed information-rich model of the project for client presentation. Thus, a federated model of key requirements helps construction companies win more projects.
Forecasting Budget Projections
Cost estimation or project costing is one of the most vital aspects of construction and BIM. Owners and stakeholders rely on accurate budget projections to make informed decisions, and Virtual Design and Construction Services in the US create detailed models of projects to extract vital data put forth precise cost estimates.

VDC Services enhance communication and collaboration
One of the biggest challenges in the construction industry includes rework. This produces a lot of construction waste and reduces work-force productivity as well. With VDC in the picture, there’s enhanced communication and collaboration between various trades at any level of the construction project.
Rather than working in silos, project teams can collaborate and work together to resolve any conflict or ambiguity at the initial stage of the construction process.
Highly Efficient Energy Systems
With VDC Services, high-quality 3D models can be built and represented. These models are used to obtain in-depth analysis of energy usage and efficiency that can impact the design and building lifecycle. Energy efficiency includes various materials, instruments, equipment, and the actual overall facilities.
BIM takes it a step further whilst calculating energy efficiency of external appliances that need to be installed after construction. These equipment’s are used by occupants viz. in-house lighting and heating systems, elevator function, refrigeration, installation of renewable energy systems and more. Clash detection is one of the most crucial processes, with VDC services all the elements and systems are combined into a single model to analyze clash detection between various trades.
Keep your work-force safe onsite 
With VDC Modeling, on-site labor or building professionals can be kept safe whilst improving safety measures during the actual building phase or facility management as well. With a well-oiled 3D model, site workers know each corner of the structure and are well aware of what goes where and the level of safety that needs to be taken into account.

Final Takeaways

VDC services are used by organizations around the globe to improve project performance and keeping the project on time and budget. VDC enables construction firms to build information-rich 3D models that enable owners and stakeholders demonstrate precise costing and time management to win bids and proposals.  

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